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Appellation of origin

Definition : Appellation of origin

An appellation of origin (AO) is a geographical indication that identifies a product originating from a specific region, country, or geographic area. Appellations of origin are often used to protect the quality and authenticity of products that have specific characteristics linked to their geographical origin, such as terroir, climatic conditions, traditional production methods, and local expertise.

Generally, to benefit from an appellation of origin, a product must be produced, processed, and elaborated within the specific geographical area and according to strict standards established by the relevant authorities. The attribution of an appellation of origin often allows producers to gain a competitive advantage by recognizing the quality of their products and differentiating them from similar products originating from other regions.

Appellations of origin can be subject to counterfeiting, which can damage the reputation of authentic products and their market. Therefore, competent authorities must implement measures to protect appellations of origin against counterfeiting and misuse.

It is important to distinguish between an "appellation of origin" and a "indication d'origine contrôlée (IOC)"