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Privacy policy

The website available at the following address: [https://www.dhenne-avocats. fr] (hereinafter referred to as the "Site") is published by SELARL DHENNE Avocats, a limited liability company (Société à associé unique), with a share capital of 1,000 euros, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 979 862 125 and whose registered office is located at 7 rue Commines, PARIS (hereinafter referred to as "DHENNE Avocats") which, in its capacity as data controller, attaches great importance to the protection and respect of privacy.

The present privacy policy aims to inform, when browsing the Site, any person using the Site (hereinafter referred to as the "Users" or the "User") of the practices of DHENNE Avocats concerning the conditions of collection, use and sharing of information that Users are led to provide as well as their rights.

The Site complies with French and European standards relating to the protection of privacy and personal data and in particular with Law n°78-17 known as "Informatique et Libertés" of January 6, 1978 relating to information technology, files and freedoms, amended by Law 2004-801 of August 6, 2004 and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 known as the "RGPD" relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and to the free movement of such data.



If the User wishes to withdraw his/her consent to the processing of his/her data, he/she may do so directly by e-mail to the following address: contact @

In addition, where required by law and/or in certain circumstances, the User's consent will be obtained or a possibility of refusal will be provided prior to any transmission of data.

1. Person responsible for processing the personal data collected

The person responsible for processing personal data is DHENNE Avocats.

2. Nature of data collected

The data collected on the Site as part of the use of the Site, are those collected following requests for information sent by email, telephone or social networks, or applications for positions at DHENNE Avocats.

This may include the following categories of data concerning Users: civil status data, identity data, identification data, image data such as surname, first name, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number, social networks, CV;

The compulsory or optional nature of the personal data collected and the possible consequences of a failure to reply are indicated at the time of collection on the associated forms.

Users who communicate the personal data of a third party must confirm that they have the consent of this third party to the use of the latter's personal data by the Site.

3. Purpose and legal basis of processing activities

3.1. Purpose of personal data collected

Personal data collected on the Site is used solely for and during the performance of services for the following purposes:

• réponse aux demandes de contact
• gestion des réseaux sociaux
• traitement des candidatures

In addition, DHENNE Avocats may use the data to meet its legal and/or regulatory obligations.

3.2. Legal basis for processing activities

Processing activities and the collection of personal data are authorized on the following legal grounds:

- performance of contractual or pre-contractual obligations ;

- the fulfilment of legal or regulatory obligations to combat money laundering and terrorism;

- the legitimate interest of DHENNE Avocats in guaranteeing the best level of functioning and quality of the Site for the proper functioning and continuous improvement of the Site;

- the consent of the User for the deposit of cookies and other tracers.

4. Time of collection

The data collected by DHENNE Avocats is freely communicated by Users when requesting information by email, telephone or social networks, or when applying for positions at DHENNE Avocats.

It may also be collected automatically during use of the Site, in particular when the User:

• navigue sur les pages du Site ;
• effectue une inscription sur le Site ; et/ou
• souscrit à des services.

This automatically collected data does not reveal the User's identity, but concerns the use of services. This collection is necessary for the maintenance and operation of DHENNE Avocats services as well as for its internal analyses and reports.

This information includes:

- information on how the services are used (frequency, traffic data, how the User reaches the Site) ; - information concerning the device used to access the services (device name, country, location, IP address, browser and device characteristics, operating system, language preferences, reference URL).

In any event, the personal data collected:

• seront obtenues et traitées loyalement et licitement ;
• seront enregistrées pour des finalités déterminées et légitimes ;
• seront employées conformément à ces finalités ;
• sont adéquates, pertinentes et non excessives par rapport à ces finalités ; et
• feront l’objet de précautions de nature à assurer la sécurité et la confidentialité des données en vue d’empêcher qu’elles puissent être endommagées, modifiées, détruites ou communiquées à des tiers non autorisés.

5. Recipients of personal data

The recipient of the personal data collected on the Site is first and foremost DHENNE Avocats.

Personal data will not be communicated to third parties, with the exception of DHENNE Avocats' partners, whose personal data must be communicated in order to carry out the services offered by DHENNE Avocats (processing of donations) and for data analysis and monitoring.

However, the partners undertake to scrupulously comply with the provisions of the French Data Protection Act, the RGPD and any future new provisions.

In addition, other recipients may have access to personal data. These may include service providers and subcontractors performing services for the Site (host, site security tool, customer service and assistance tools) and its external service providers (electronic signature service provider, electronic payment service provider, access providers, communications agency, etc.).

In the event of a change of control of DHENNE Avocats due to a merger, acquisition, insolvency or any other form of asset transfer, the data collected by DHENNE Avocats may be transferred to third parties. Nevertheless, DHENNE Avocats undertakes to guarantee the confidentiality of the personal data collected and to inform Users before such data is transferred or subjected to new confidentiality rules.

In the event that this is required by law, the User's consent will be obtained or a possibility of refusal will be provided prior to any transmission of data.

The data collected may also be transferred if vital interests are at stake and DHENNE Avocats considers it necessary to investigate, prevent or take measures to prevent the potential violation of its policies and more broadly in situations involving suspected fraud, potential threats to security and illegal activities or may be used as evidence in litigation involving DHENNE Avocats.

6. Users' rights

In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, known as the "RGPD", on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and with Law No. 78-17 known as the "Informatique et Libertés" law of January 6, 1978, as amended by Law 2004-801 of August 6, 2004 on information technology, files and freedoms, the User has:

• d’un droit d’accès à ses données personnelles ;
• d’un droit de rectification de ses données personnelles ;
• d’un droit de suppression et d’effacement de leurs données personnelles ;
• d’un droit d’opposition au traitement de ses données personnelles ;
• d’un droit de limitation du traitement de ses données ;
• d’un droit de portabilité de ses données, lorsque les données font l’objet de traitements automatisés fondés sur le consentement ou sur un contrat ;
• d’un droit de retirer son consentement à tout moment ; et
• d’un droit de définir du sort de ses données après sa mort.

Users wishing to assert one of these rights may send their request via the rights request form, by e-mail or by post to the following addresses:

- mail: DHENNE Avocats - 7 rue Commines, 75003 Paris - E-mail: contact

In the event of exercising one of these rights, the User must provide DHENNE Avocats with the information necessary for identification: surname, first name, e-mail address and, if applicable, postal address.

Furthermore, in accordance with the regulations in force, the User's request must be clear and specify in detail the right he/she wishes to exercise as well as the address to which he/she wishes to receive a reply in the event of the exercise of one of the rights listed above. DHENNE Avocats may ask the client to provide a photocopy of an identity document bearing his/her signature in order to verify his/her identity.

DHENNE Avocats undertakes to respond within a maximum period of one (1) month following receipt of the User's complete request.

Due to the complexity of the request and/or the number of requests, this deadline may be extended by two (2) months on condition that DHENNE Avocats informs the User within one (1) month of receipt of the request of the reasons for the postponement.

DHENNE Avocats informs Users of their right to lodge a complaint with the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (hereinafter referred to as the "CNIL") in one of the ways indicated below:

• Par téléphone : +33 1 53 73 22 22
• Par télécopie : +33 1 53 73 22 00
• Via le site web de la CNIL : ou
• Par courrier postal :
Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés – CNIL
3 Place de Fontenoy
TSA 80715 – 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07

7. Data retention period

7.1. Data retention for the duration of the contractual relationship

The personal data of the Users collected are not kept beyond the time necessary to fulfill the obligations of DHENNE Avocats defined at the time of the conclusion of the contract or the predefined duration of the contractual relationship, except for data that DHENNE Avocats would need to keep as evidence, for legal or administrative purposes or in accordance with current legislation.

7.2. Retention of anonymized data beyond the contractual relationship

DHENNE Avocats retains the personal data collected from Users for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes described in the present privacy policy.

À l’issue de la relation commerciale, DHENNE Avocats conservera durant trois (2) ans à compter de la fin de la relation commerciale les informations fournies par l’Utilisateur, à savoir :
• les nom et prénom ou la dénomination sociale ;
• les adresses postales ;
• les adresses électroniques ; et
• les numéros de téléphone.

Browsing data will be kept for a maximum of six (6) months, in accordance with CNIL recommendations.

After this period, it will be anonymized and kept exclusively for statistical purposes and will not be used in any way whatsoever.

8. Transfer of personal data abroad

As far as possible, DHENNE Avocats processes Users' data only within the European Union and does not transfer such data outside this area.

- countries that have been granted an adequacy decision by the European Commission: in this case, data is transferred to a country that provides a level of protection deemed sufficient and adequate to the provisions of European data protection regulations; and - countries whose level of data protection has not been recognized as adequate: in this case, to guarantee a transfer in compliance with European regulations, and in particular to ensure data security, DHENNE Avocats will base its transfer on protection mechanisms adapted to each service provider and subcontractor, such as the conclusion of standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission, the application of binding corporate rules or under an approved certification mechanism.

• les pays ayant fait l’objet d’une décision d’adéquation par la Commission Européenne : dans ce cas, les données sont transférées vers un pays assurant un niveau de protection jugé comme suffisant et adéquat aux dispositions de la réglementation européenne sur la protection des données ; et
• les pays dont le niveau de protection des données n’a pas été reconnu comme adéquat : dans ce cas, pour garantir un transfert en conformité avec la réglementation européenne, et notamment assurer la sécurité des données, DHENNE Avocats fondera son transfert sur des mécanismes de protection adaptés à chaque prestataire de service et sous-traitant, tels que la conclusion de clauses contractuelles types approuvées par la Commission Européenne, l’application de règles d’entreprises contraignantes ou en vertu d’un mécanisme de certification approuvé.

9. Security

DHENNE Avocats undertakes to implement appropriate and reasonably necessary technical and organizational measures with regard to the regulations applicable to the protection of personal data, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against loss, destruction or damage of accidental origin in order to guarantee a level of security appropriate to the risks incurred for the rights and freedoms of natural persons in connection with the processing referred to in this privacy policy.

When personal data is transferred to third parties for processing, DHENNE Avocats ensures that these third parties implement all appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the protection of personal data in accordance with applicable laws.

These measures are defined taking into account the state of the art, the costs of implementation and the nature, scope, context and purposes of the processing as well as the identified risks.

Depending on the needs, risks, costs and purpose of the processing, these measures may include pseudonymization and encryption of data.

This protection can be ensured by the mention of "https" in the browser's URL address, as well as by the representation of a closed padlock at the bottom of the screen.

Finally, in the event of a violation of rights concerning personal data likely to give rise to a high risk for the rights and freedoms of the User, DHENNE Avocats undertakes to inform the User of this violation within a maximum period of seventy-two (72) hours.

10. Links

On the Site, Users may have access to various links directing them to third party sites.

DHENNE Avocats ne sera pas responsable concernant les informations qui sont envoyées à ces tiers ou collectées par ces derniers.

The present privacy policy does not govern third party sites or third party content accessed by the User of the Site.

DHENNE Avocats shall not be liable for any information sent to or collected by these third parties.

Consequently, DHENNE Avocats does not give any guarantee concerning the personal data protection practices of the indexed websites and cannot be held responsible in the event of a dispute arising between a website indexed on the Site and one of the Users, notably due to loss or damage suffered, the operators of the indexed websites being solely responsible for their personal data protection practices.