Definition : USPTO

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), is the administrative authority responsible for issuing patents and trademarks in the United States.

The USPTO is part of the U.S. Department of Commerce, and its role is to facilitate innovation, economic competitiveness and the protection of intellectual property.

The USPTO is responsible for examining patent and trademark applications filed by companies and inventors. It also issues certificates of patent and trademark registration, as well as certificates of publication for patented inventions. The USPTO also provides intellectual property information services and conducts searches to assess the validity of existing patents and trademarks.

The USPTO is therefore a key agency for the protection of intellectual property in the United States, playing an important role in promoting innovation and the country's economic competitiveness.

Several differences withEuropean Patent Office (EPO) must be highlighted:

  1. Territory. The USPTO is the U.S. government agency responsible for registering patents in the United States, while the EPO is the European agency responsible for registering patents in the member countries of the European Patent Organization, which comprises 38 European countries.
  2. Examination procedure. The USPTO and EPO have different examination procedures for patent applications.
  3. Langue. L’USPTO n’accepte que des demandes de brevet en anglais, tandis que l’OEB accepte des demandes dans plusieurs langues, notamment l’anglais, le français et l’allemand.
  4. Coût. Les coûts associés à l’obtention d’un brevet auprès de l’USPTO et de l’OEB peuvent varier. En général, les coûts pour obtenir un brevet auprès de l’USPTO sont moins élevés que ceux de l’OEB. Cependant, il convient de noter que les coûts associés à la protection de brevet dépendent du nombre de pays dans lesquels une protection est demandée.